Religious Institutions

Notice: Effective Immediately - all Religious Institutions must email the affidavit to

Florida Statute 1005.06 (1)(f) Religious Institutions Exempt from the Commission's Jurisdiction

Religious institutions that meet the requirements found in Section 1005.06(1)(f), Florida Statutes and Rule 6E-5.001, Florida Administrative Code are not under the jurisdiction or purview of the Commission for Independent Education and are not required to obtain licensure.

Section 1005.06(1)(f), F.S. reads:

A religious college may operate without governmental oversight if the college annually verifies by sworn affidavit to the commission that:

  1. The name of the institution includes a religious modifier or the name of a religious patriarch, saint, person, or symbol of the church.
  2. The institution offers only educational programs that prepare students for religious vocations as ministers, professionals, or laypersons in the categories of ministry, counseling, theology, education, administration, music, fine arts, media communications, or social work.
  3. The titles of degrees issued by the institution cannot be confused with secular degree titles. For this purpose, each degree title must include a religious modifier that immediately precedes, or is included within, any of the following degrees: Associate of Arts, Associate of Science, Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, Master of Arts, Master of Science, Doctor of Philosophy, and Doctor of Education. The religious modifier must be placed on the title line of the degree, on the transcript, and whenever the title of the degree appears in official school documents or publications.
  4. The duration of all degree programs offered by the institution is consistent with the standards of the commission.
  5. The institution's consumer practices are consistent with those required by s. 1005.04.

The commission may provide such a religious institution a letter stating that the institution has met the requirements of state law and is not subject to governmental oversight.

Rule 6E-5.001 Religious Institution Letter of Exemption

  1. Definitions. As used in this rule, a "letter of exemption" means a letter issued by the Commission to a religious college providing that the institution has met the requirements of state law and is not subject to governmental oversight.
  2. The Commission shall issue a letter of exemption no more than once annually, after receipt of a properly completed application on CIE Form 113. CIE Form 113, Application for Religious Institution Letter of Exemption, is incorporated by reference to become effective upon the effective date of this rule. CIE Form 113 may be obtained without cost, from the Commission's website at or by writing to the Commission for Independent Education, 325 West Gaines Street, Suite 1414, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400.
  3. The sworn affidavit portion of CIE Form 113 shall be executed by an Officer, Director or person holding a similar office with the religious institution.
  4. The Commission shall not issue a letter of exemption where it has not received a properly completed CIE Form 113.
  5. Duration. A letter of exemption is valid for one year from the date reflected on the letter.

Download Form 113 - Application for Religious Institution Letter of Exemption (PDF)


The following institutions have filed an annual affidavit and received a letter of exemption from the Commission for Independent Education: